Services for Fleet Management Professionals

Optimal fleet performance requires that the right equipment is selected for your operations, regular maintenance schedules are being adhered to, and you have a firm grasp on the cost of your fleet’s activities. Meridian has expertise in identifying the best models and manufacturers to meet your unique business needs, advising on the most appropriate consumption models, and providing price benchmarking so you get the most competitive pricing for your equipment.

  • Managed Services

    Get the technical expertise you need from the leading managed service provider, so you can upgrade and maintain your systems. Free your overworked staff to focus on managing and growing your business.

    Get in touch
  • Meridian Leasing

    Choose from our comprehensive suite of flexible and customizable financing services that enable you to get the equipment you need.

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Minimize downtime and control maintenance costs

By the Numbers

  • 44%

    of total operating costs for a fleet are from depreciation of equipment.

  • 5-10%

    of a fleet’s annual budget dollars are wasted due to unmanaged spend, inefficient asset acquisition and operations, and less-than-optimal depreciation strategies.of a fleet’s annual budget dollars are wasted due to unmanaged spend, inefficient asset acquisition and operations, and less-than-optimal depreciation strategies.

  • 5

    Operating costs for fleets are within the top 5 spending areas for an organization.

  • 11%

    of total operating costs for a fleet are from maintenance and repair.


Operate smarter and more cost-effectively with MCAP


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